Friday, March 16, 2012

Turn Your Existing Home Into A Rental Property | Cairns ? Port ...

There are many reasons why homeowners may choose to change their current principal place of residence (PPOR) into an investment property.

Perhaps they are looking to upgrade to a larger ? or perhaps downsize to a smaller ? model, and wish to retain the original property as an investment, or maybe they have been geographically relocated due to work obligations. Regardless of the reason, there are numerous factors that homeowners, and subsequent investors, should be aware of when making the switch, especially in regards to tax.

To start with, let?s clarify exactly what the two main terms are that we are dealing with here.

The principal place of residence? can be defined as being the one place of residence that is, among the one or more places of residence of the person within and outside Australia, the principal place of residence of the person. Put simply, a person can only have one principal place of residence in the whole world.

Investment property? is property, whether land or a building, part thereof, or both, which is held by the owner (or by the lessee under a finance lease) to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both.

The shifting of labels from PPOR to investment property occurs upon the homeowner?s physical relocation to the newly purchased property, that is, the new PPOR. Once this relocation has occurred and the first property is deemed to be an investment, there are several tax implications that the owner should to be aware of.

Such tax issues include, but are not limited to, potential deductions as well as various possible capital gains tax exemptions that the owner may eligible to claim, that are not able to be claimed on the PPOR.

Deductions Perhaps one of the simplest tax deductions that can be claimed is that as soon as the property is legally an investment ? that is, it is no longer the taxpayer?s PPOR ? any interest that is paid as part of the loan repayments for that property become a tax deduction. This deduction can be calculated at a rate of 2.5% per year in the 40 years following construction, for the construction costs of: buildings extensions, such as a garage or patio alterations, such as adding an internal wall, kitchen renovations or bathroom makeovers structural improvements, such as a gazebo, carport, sealed driveway, retaining wall or fence For example, if you purchase a two-year-old investment property for $400,000, the deduction that can be claimed annually is $10,000 (2.5% of $400,000) for the remaining 38 years, or the proportion of that period that the property remains owned by that particular taxpayer.

CGT exemptions Generally speaking, any capital gain or loss that is incurred as a result of disposing of, or selling, a PPOR is exempt from any capital gains tax (CGT) obligations. However, there exist certain situations whereby at the time of sale of the property, the owner may be eligible for a partial CGT exemption. The two particular circumstances where the partial exemption is applied are: 1.the property was not used as the owner?s main residence for the entire period of ownership (although in some cases specific absences are allowed, this is discussed further below); and 2.the property was used for income-producing purposes, while it was the taxpayer?s main residence and if a loan was taken out to purchase the property the taxpayer could have deducted the interest paid on that loan For the purposes of this particular article we are more concerned with the first instance.

The example below demonstrates how the partial CGT exemption can be applied upon the disposal of an investment property that was once a PPOR.

A property was purchased on 1 July 2002 for $500,000. It was the owner?s PPOR until 30 June 2005 when it was then rented out until it was sold for $750,000 on 1 July 2007. The capital gain as a result of the sale was $250,000 and the owner is entitled to a partial tax exemption for the period in which they occupied the property. The exempt amount is calculated using the formula, amount of capital gain x number of years property was owner?s PPOR as a proportion of total years of ownership = amount of capital gain that is exempt.

In this instance the calculation is as follows:

$250,000 x 3yrs = $150,000 5yrs As $150,000 of the total capital gain is exempt from tax, the amount of taxable capital gain is $100,000. Additionally, as the property was owned for more than 12 months the owner is entitled to a further 50% discount on the assessable amount, making the total capital gain amount that is assessable for tax purposes $50,000 upon the disposal of this property.

CGT ? 6-year rule As mentioned above, there are provisions that allow for an owner?s temporary absence from the PPOR which do not affect the owner?s eligibility for the full PPOR exemption; this is commonly referred to as the six-year rule.

The six-year rule provides that the property?s owner can be temporarily absent from the PPOR for up to a maximum of six years at a time, without losing the exemption, provided that no other property is treated as the PPOR during that period. The owner can use the property to produce assessable income during that time and reset the six-year period each time they move back.

How it works in real life A property is owned and occupied by the owner for a period of three years, following which the owner is then posted overseas for work commitments and remains there for four years; during this time the owned property is rented out. There are many reasons why homeowners may choose to change their current principal place of residence (PPOR) into an investment property. Perhaps they are looking to upgrade to a larger ? or perhaps downsize to a smaller ? model, and wish to retain the original property as an investment, or maybe they have been geographically relocated due to work obligations. Regardless of the reason, there are numerous factors that homeowners, and subsequent investors, should be aware of when making the switch, especially in regards to tax.

To start with, let?s clarify exactly what the two main terms are that we are dealing with here. The principal place of residence? can be defined as being the one place of residence that is, among the one or more places of residence of the person within and outside Australia, the principal place of residence of the person. Put simply, a person can only have one principal place of residence in the whole world.

Investment property? is property, whether land or a building, part thereof, or both, which is held by the owner (or by the lessee under a finance lease) to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both.

The shifting of labels from PPOR to investment property occurs upon the homeowner?s physical relocation to the newly purchased property, that is, the new PPOR. Once this relocation has occurred and the first property is deemed to be an investment, there are several tax implications that the owner should to be aware of. Such tax issues include, but are not limited to, potential deductions as well as various possible capital gains tax exemptions that the owner may eligible to claim, that are not able to be claimed on the PPOR.


Expert Insight from: Michael Quinn, director of The Quinn Group, is an experienced lawyer, accountant and educator.


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Cuban police remove dissidents from Havana church

HAVANA (AP) ? Cuban police evicted 13 dissidents from a church they had been occupying for two days demanding that Pope Benedict XVI air a list of grievances during his upcoming trip to the island, a Roman Catholic Church spokesman said.

The protesters were removed from the Church of Charity in densely packed Central Havana late Thursday at the request of the city's cardinal, church spokesman Orlando Marquez said in a statement.

"Cardinal Jaime Ortega addressed the competent authorities to invite the occupiers to abandon the sanctuary," the statement said.

The dissidents were removed without resistance, it added.

"The agents who carried out the operation had assured the Church they would be unarmed, that they would initially take the 13 persons to a police station and then to their homes. It also said they would be processed," Marquez said.

The dissidents initially occupied the church on Tuesday to demand an audience with Benedict when he visits Cuba this month. They later changed their demand and said they wanted the pontiff to mediate a list of their grievances with the Cuban government.

The occupation clearly angered Catholic officials, who have been friendly to and mediated for other dissidents in the past.

Fred Calderon, a spokesman for the dissidents, said his group wanted Benedict to speak with authorities about freeing people imprisoned for political crimes, ending intimidation of dissidents, increasing access to information, expanding private property rights, doing away with travel restrictions and establishing a transitional government to end a half-century of Communist rule under Fidel and Raul Castro.

"We want him to intercede on our behalf ... and be a mediator for our demands," Calderon told The Associated Press.

The church had forcefully rejected of the protest, which spokesman Orlando Marquez termed "illegitimate" and "disrespectful." Even prominent Cuban dissidents questioned whether disrupting a house of worship was an appropriate tactic.

Cuba's government has had little to say, but generally considers dissidents to be mercenaries trying to undermine its authority. State media, which rarely mention the opposition, published the Catholic Church's condemnation of the occupation in Thursday's papers.

"Nobody has the right to turn temples into political trenches," read the communique from Marquez, which was issued the previous evening.

None of the eight men and five women who were inside the church has a noted history of activism, and they apparently are not members of a single group, though Calderon said he belonged to an organization called the Republican Party, one of the many small, often-ephemeral outfits that make up the fractured opposition.

Another dissident in the church said the protesters averagd about 40 years old and none are currently employed. They included homemakers, restaurant workers, university graduates and retirees, said Vladimir Calderon, who is not related to Fred Calderon.

More prominent dissenters such as the Ladies in White and blogger Yoani Sanchez generally sought to distance themselves, while expressing sympathy for the group's demands.

"These are new people," said Elizardo Sanchez, head of the Havana-based Cuban Commission on Human Rights and National Reconciliation and a de-facto spokesman for dissidents. "We are being cautious."

Sanchez predicted that dissidents' ties to the Catholic Church would not suffer since the established opposition has not backed the occupation.

However Yoani Sanchez, no relation, said she thought the Church overreacted in its statement.

"Although I have many criticisms of the act of occupying a church, I have a worse opinion of the archdiocese's statement published in (Communist Party newspaper) Granma," Sanchez tweeted.

Many of the more-established dissidents have significant ties to the Catholic Church, which in 2010 helped broker the release of the last of 75 opposition activists and social commentators imprisoned in a 2003 crackdown. The last was freed in spring 2011.

Cuban authorities dispute dissident claims the government holds political prisoners.

Most of the inmates still behind bars for political crimes were convicted of violent offenses such as hijacking and armed assault, which keeps them from being recognized as prisoners of conscience by Amnesty International.

Benedict's Cuba trip is scheduled for March 26-28.


Follow Andrea Rodriguez on Twitter at


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Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Services For Air Duct Cleaning Sacramento Residents Can Us ...

The services for air duct cleaning Sacramento locals can use help homeowners to do more than simply ensure the optimal functioning of their heating and cooling equipment. Keeping your home air ducts clean is an essential part of maintaining a desirable indoor air quality and good health for all household members. There are many different illnesses and chronic health conditions that can be aggravated by toxins, dust and other allergens and irritants that are circulated through heating and cooling systems that have been poorly maintained. Services such as those that are provided by Alley Heating And Air, however, instruct people on creating healthy indoor environments while providing the services that ensure the optimal functioning of their heating and cooling systems.

What The Experts Are Saying
Indoor air can be surprisingly more polluted than the air outside. This is certainly the case in homes that routinely use odor neutralizers and chemical deodorizers. These contain chemical toxins that permeate and remain in the home. Additionally, households that do not have air duct cleaning performed on a regular basis are far more likely to have an excess of allergens and toxins present in the home, which can have a negative impact on asthma, allergies and a host of other common respiratory ailments. Due to this fact, all homeowners should work to reduce the presence of pollutants and allergens in the home by scheduling air duct cleaning on a regular basis and by opting to use green improvements in their decorating projects.

Green Home Improvements Investing in environmentally friendly home improvements is one way that people can protect themselves from indoor air toxins. Most manufactured products are constructed using man-made materials such as plastics, special adhesives and paints. These things are continually off-gassing harmful chemicals in the home which have an impact on the indoor air quality. For example, the unsealed particle board that is commonly used in the construction of home cabinets and other types of shelving, will off-gas formaldehyde for many years unless it is properly sealed. Sadly, many of the sealants that can be used for this task will also emit harmful toxins into the air, making eco-friendly home improvements the ideal option to use. Environmentally friendly home improvement products are generally constructed with natural woods, screws and nails rather than chemical sealants and glues and these are designed to have a lesser impact on both the indoor environment and the world overall.

Cultivating Life Inside Of The Home
There are also many benefits for people in keeping a significant number of plants in the home. While it might be hard to believe, plants can do more for the air inside of your home than simply use the available carbon dioxide to create oxygen. They actually help to filter toxins out of the air. Due to this fact, a thriving indoor garden is a very effective way to filter the indoor air and will even help to freshen the air considerably. Air quality experts such as those at Alley heating and air, also stress the importance of routinely opening up and airing out the home. Using these indoor air quality tips and making certain to schedule the routine maintenance and service of your heating and air conditioning units will ensure their optimal functioning and fresh, high-quality air in your home or small business.

Visit our site to learn about our free indoor air quality tips and get more information about our services.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Home And Business Security Measure Updates | Article Gurus

Contemporary Security Measures for Residence and Business

What are these options? This includes everything that an individual needs to properly secure their property from the wireless miniature camera to the night vision equipment. These devices, however, should be accompanied by well-defined security measures if they are to function effectively.

For purposes of illustration, let?s presume that you have this gut feeling your neighbors are prying in your courtyard especially when you are not around. Add to that your suspicion that they could actually be peeking into your windows and behaving with malicious intent. Situations like these typically require for an overall home security measure that will include putting up surveillance equipment and alarms.

Bear in mind that your aim is not only to identify burglars on the property but to protect your home or office at the same time. This means that everybody who enters your premises will be detected by the security cameras and the alarm will warn him against entering further because you have security devices set in place.

Studies conducted among prisoners reveal that security devices within a building or residence indeed function as an effective deterrent against would-be offenders. However, this is not to be interpreted that some kind of pseudo camera or siren will be effective in preventing burglaries. Instead, your monitored security system must be linked to round the clock support or assistance that will call the authorities in case the alarm goes off.

Finding the necessary security service and equipment is fairly uncomplicated in the presence of modern technology. There are also means to come up with a surveillance alarm that are designed specifically for monitoring from any position. A few competitive retailers provide video management programs that enable the owner to monitor his property from any computer or through the net.

The better surveillance and security companies will advise you in terms of your options based on what the latest technology can offer. There are other modern security systems that you can avail from these companies like fingerprint scanning, etc.

There is an adage which says, ?An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.? There is no denying the benefits that modern surveillance equipment can do to put your mind at ease.

If you are always reading or watching the news, you are probably aware that there is a incident of theft and burglary. Not only are residential properties targeted by the rising incidents of theft and burglaries, but even businesses are not spared from such crimes. Hence, people are finding ways that will be most effective in keeping a close watch over their family and property.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Marc Randazza ~ Crystal Cox Vs. Marc Randazza - Randazza Legal ...

Why Did Marc Randazza really contact the Plaintiff in Obsidian V. Cox, BEFORE Marc Randazza let his potential client know that he was going to the Plaintiff's side and discussing my personal information, my strategy? Was?Marc Randazza?trying to see if he could WIN, before he was hired for or took the job as attorney for Crystal Cox Blogger? Was?Marc Randazza?trying to make a deal with the Plaintiff, behind the Pro Se Defendant's back in order to change "bad law" for his Porn Company Big Wigs, whom?Marc Randazza?told me called him and asked what he was going to do about the Crystal Cox Case?

Did?Marc Randazza?have a legal right to talk to Crystal Cox Blogger, me, and discuss being my attorney, yet not agree to such and then take my private information to the Plaintiff to cut a deal that did not involve me ?

The Plaintiff's Attorney in Obsidian Vs. Cox is not just any attorney, the Plaintiff's Attorney, David Aman and the Tonkon Torp Law Firm was involved in the Corruption that Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox has been exposing for over 3 years. Blogger Crystal Cox was getting information found in the search engines regarding the Summit Bankruptcy and the Objection to Fees that Named Tonkon Torp. ?David Aman Knew This, as in the Stephanie DeYoung Deposition. So when?Marc Randazza contacted Tonkon Torp,?Marc Randazza was telling my information to the very guys whom I was exposing.?Marc Randazza had no right, as far as I am concerned to discuss my business with the Plaintiff's side WITHOUT involving me in any way or letting me know what?Marc Randazza was up to, allegedly on my behalf.

Marc Randazza don't Know that I Played Texas Hold Em' for 18 Years and Well I certainly have the BALLS to call his BLUFF. So seeings how I called his bluff demanding I give him Marc, now Marc Randazza is in bed with the DEVIL and affecting the First Amendment Rights of us ALL.

I am considering filing a Federal RICO Complaint Against Marc Randazza, as tonight I see there is Pattern and History in?Marc Randazza's tactics.

Here is an Article from a Blog Called "Fight Copyright Trolls".

Title of Marc Randazza Article on Fight Copyright Trolls Blog
"Do you still think that talking to plaintiff?s lawyer is a good idea?"

"I?m never tired of repeating over and over again that talking to plaintiff?s attorney (a copyright troll) directly, not through your own lawyer, is not only a questionable idea, but just a plain stupid idea. Reading numerous comments on TorrentFreak, ArsTechnica, Techdirt and other discussion boards, I sometimes see someone bragging: ?If I received a call from a troll, I would tell him?? Wrong! You don?t want to tell him anything. Just hang up. Ignore emails and scary ransom letters?."

"TAC has pointed to a very-very sad story: a guy from one of the mass Liberty Media Holdings lawsuits received a call from an attorney notifying him that his IP address was recorded in connection with sharing a copyrighted material on BitTorrent, demanding money and asking questions. Instead of hanging up, this guy did the worst thing possible: he answered the questions and admitted that he downloaded that damned movie! He explained that he did not know that it was illegal, probably thinking that a reasonable copyright holder who cares about its business would say something like ?ok, you are a good guy, and we appreciate the interest in our studio products, what you did was illegal, please stop doing that and here is the URL where you can buy and enjoy our products legally?.

Note, however, that here we are not talking about copyright holders who are interested in retaining fans and promoting their products. Instead, we are talking about scum of the Earth, disgraced attorneys who can?t think about anything but money right now with as little investment as possible. Ruining someone?s life for a $40 movie is something that these vampires wouldn?t hesitate to do if it could possibly bring them a couple of dollars."

"Marco Randazza, the most hypocritical troll as of today"

Source of Marc Randazza Post and Full Marc Randazza Article

Marc Randazza Quote
"?We did get a satisfactory payment from the prior defendant,? Randazza said. ?And while we don?t expect to get $1.75 million from Mr. Brown, we do expect to extract something from him.?


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Monday, March 12, 2012

Prostate Cancer Symptoms Explained

There are several?prostate cancer warning signs men should know. Frequent urge to urine and blood appearing in the urine stream are the first two symptoms of prostate cancer. Then they are followed by painful and difficulty in urinating. Painful feeling during sex activity is also a sign of prostate cancer which is completed with frequent pain in lower back, hips or upper thighs. Those are some symptoms of prostate cancer but people need to understand that those are not always appeared. Hence they need to check themselves in hospital or see the doctor. The early awareness of the cancer, the better cure the patients will get.


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Tennis prepares for California

After a break in the schedule last weekend, WSU tennis will enter the heart of their season in Southern California this weekend as they start conference play and take on No. 1 UCLA and No. 4 USC.?

?A lot of the time in-season, it?s hard to work on specific things cause you have to roll over every single weekend and play another match,? senior Elisabeth Fournier said. ?But since we haven?t played a match for almost two weeks now, we really got to work on some particulars and we?re really geared up and fired up to play.? And playing the schools we?re going to play, we really need that attitude.?

It will be a true test for the Cougars, who have been flirting with breaking into the national rankings for a few weeks now but have come up just short of that signature win.?

?We?re excited about getting some warmer weather,? Fournier said ?But we?re really excited to have this opportunity to prove ourselves. I think our freshman have really come a long way in that in particular. They?re realizing that we?re pretty good and that these teams aren?t unbeatable. And if we come out with that attitude where everyone fights hard and thinks they can win, we have a good chance at pulling of an upset.??

Junior Liudmila Vasilieva will have the biggest upset to pull off. She broke into the top 100 of the ITA individual rankings after she picked up her sixteenth consecutive victory against BYU two weekends ago. She now sits at No. 72 and has a chance to beat Robin Anderson, UCLA?s No. 1 player and the No. 5 player in the country. The next day she will matchup against USC?s top player Zoe Scandalis, the No. 13 player in the country.? ?

?We?ve tried to stay business as usual at practice and just focusing on doing the things we do even better,? Head Coach Lisa Hart said. ?UCLA and USC are amazing programs, but we can?t panic and try and do things we?re not familiar with.????

Following their two consecutive matches against two of the top teams in the country, the Cougars will have a busy spring break as they travel to Boise St. on Wednesday, then turn around and host No. 24 Arizona on Friday and No. 23 Arizona State on Sunday.

Both games start at 11 a.m. at either Hollingbery Fieldhouse or the outdoor tennis courts depending on the weather.?

?Our girls are great students,? Hart said. ?But I think as players they?re excited to be able to really just focus on tennis for the week. I know as coaches we?re looking forward to the next five matches.?

Fournier said she hopes anyone who is around over break will come support the team.?

The Cougars currently sit at 9-2 on the season as they look to make a run at an NCAA tournament appearance.?


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Friday, March 9, 2012

If fusion solid, doctors say Manning safe to play

Fans hear the words "neck fusion" and wonder why Peyton Manning is even considering playing again, fearful he'll risk a career-ending injury ? or worse ? the next time he takes a hit.

But safety isn't Manning's issue, several spine specialists said. Arm strength is.

Manning's surgically repaired neck will be able to take a hit just fine once the fusion is healed, with the bone actually stronger than others in his neck. Nerves are delicate, however, and only time will tell if they'll recover enough for the 35-year-old four-time NFL MVP to be the quarterback he once was.

"His risk really is very low," said Dr. Robert S. Bray Jr., who has worked with NHL star Sidney Crosby and whose DISC Sports & Spine Center provides medical services for the U.S. Olympic team.

"If I was a team, I'd ask, 'Did (the fusion) heal? Do you have a CAT scan that showed it healed? Is the rest of neck in pretty good shape?'" Bray asked. "If those two answers are yes, then it gets down to, 'OK, get out on the field and show me you can perform,' because it will only get better from here with time."

Manning missed the entire 2011 season with a damaged nerve that caused weakness in his right arm and required multiple neck surgeries, including a single-level fusion in September. He has brushed off questions about retirement, insisting that ? after parting ways with the Indianapolis Colts on Wednesday ? he still wants to play.

And there's no risk to him doing so, say several doctors in the field who have not examined Manning. Dr. Robert Watkins, Manning's surgeon, is not commenting on the quarterback, his office said Thursday.

Manning had at least two procedures between February 2010 and September 2011 to relieve pressure on a pinched nerve, the cause of the weakness in his throwing arm. When those didn't work, Watkins did the fusion, removing the troublesome soft disk tissue between two vertebrae and fusing the bones together.

The fusion normally takes four to six months to heal and, much like any other broken bone, it becomes even stronger afterward. But just as someone who tries playing with a still-broken arm risks additional injury, so did Manning if he'd returned before the fusion was solid.

But Manning was "working with the best," Bray said, and there's no way Watkins would have allowed the quarterback to play without being certain the fusion had healed. Watkins announced Feb. 2 that he had cleared Manning to play football again.

"In the field of spine surgery and professional athletes, we have a fairly strong consensus that if you have a one-level cervical fusion, you can recover and go back and safely play," said Dr. William Tobler, a neurosurgeon at the Mayfield Clinic in Cincinnati who has done four fusions on NFL players, including four-time Pro Bowl linebacker Chris Spielman, all of whom returned to the field.

"If the fusion heals, the neck is stable so, presumably, you can take all the hitting and impact."

Then it's a matter of the nerve regenerating.

"Nerves are just wires and the muscle is where the wire plugs into," said Dr. Charles Bush-Joseph of Midwest Orthopaedics at Rush University, team doctors for the Chicago Bulls and Chicago White Sox. "Obviously he's got all the intelligence and the skill set. It's a matter of strength. Can he get his arm to do what his mind and eyes want him to do?"

And that takes time.

Unlike a sponge, which springs right back after someone stops pressing down on it, a nerve is more like a piece of cooked spaghetti, Tobler said. Press on it, and the indentation remains after the finger is lifted.

"It isn't like a light switch," Bray said. "But if you get the pressure off, then the nerve kicks in progressively over time."

While there's no guarantee Manning will ever fully recover, Bray said nerves tend to heal more and for a longer period of time when patients are young and healthy.

Manning said Wednesday he is not completely recovered, but insisted he's closer than ever.

"I'm throwing it pretty well. I still have some progress to make, but I've come a long way," Manning said. "That's been the most fun part is being back out there on the field. I'm doing better, I continue to work hard and hope to continue making progress."


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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ventura's Pride:Simi Valley | Naperville Real Estate - Naperville ...

The Simi Valley Real Estate market has among the best real estate investment property or home offered to anyone, anywhere. The real estate in Simi Valley is extremely preferred and in popular demand continuously. Regardless of whether its a new home in a exclusive neighborhood, an older ranch style residence, or an estate sized brand new customized single family home, just constructed, a condominium or town home, an investment in any land or home, or even business oriented property here in this thriving area makes for a wise expenditure for you personally, all your family members and your future. With the San Fernando Valley simply to the East of Simi Valley The City of Los Angeles in just minutes and a few miles away, Malibu and the seacoast to the south, and Oxnard and Ventura, and Santa Barbara just to the north of Simi Valley, you are close to every thing and every modern comfort you?ll ever require.

This part of Southern California was in the past occupied by the Chumash Indians who appreciated all of their lands simply because they knew then as we know now, that the lands that define a lot of of the gorgeous coastal valleys, the surrounding mountain range, the coast lands, the rivers and green meadows are so desired and desired by real estate buyers and real estate investors, specially the Simi Valley Real Estate.

A lot of real estate buyers in recent times have invested in houses and small business properties understanding that their particular investments are going to pay returns for a long time for themselves and their family members. Simi Valley has risen to the third biggest city in Ventura County and continues to grow in popularity attracting people from all over California and the whole countryThere is a varied selection of homes, estates, ranches and other residential options available for sale in Simi Valley and you may find those houses and estates sprinkled alongside old country roads and in the green hills and canyons.

The residents of Simi Valley take great pride in their city and enjoy the aspects of the ability to work and live in a family oriented community containing an easy, work ethic kind life-style. Right here you have all the current amenities of any big city, together with the peace, security and excellence of country living, and the famed Southern California informal and relaxed way of life.


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