Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Video: NRA ad targets minorities

>>> to be reaching out to minorities in its fight against new gun laws . or proposed new gun laws . the nranews.com features the first of what the site says will be a series of diverse commentators that will be making their voices heard.

>> the only person responsible for your safety is you. cops can't always be there. obama definitely can't be there. this isn't a black or white , democrat or republican issue. this is common sense. this is self prezation. it's about natural rights .

>> joining me now, columnist and author earl ofari hutchinson . thank you for your time.

>> you're welcome.

>> you have the hip hop music , he's a youtube personality, there's another ad with a rapper, as well here. but the nra appears to be trying to bring in african- americans or at least to their membership. i don't have the total number here but what we have as far as numbers is african- americans have the highest deaths of firearm deaths. teens five times as a white peer to be killed by a firearm. how does the nra counter those numbers?

>> well, really, they can't. however, doesn't stop them to trying. politics and image, tamron, i think we have to keep those words in mind. they're boundlessly creative, that organization, with two things. number one, image. we are the organization that protects gun owners ' rights against the big, intrusive government. that's number one and marvelously successful with that. second thing is image. one thing that's interesting about this, about 30% according to a gallup survey , of african- americans are legally registered gun owners . and overall, the majority contrary to what people and public opinion is led to believe majority of gun owners are nonwhite and therefor why not now? the nra , a black eye they have had. politics comes in to try to influence everything and everybody and now why not bring in african- americans and latinos if they can? good window dressing and pr and then prevents those from saying, well, you see, we're just a bunch of good old white guys ultra conservative and torpedo everything sensible with responsible gun control measures. why snot.

>> to your point critics pointed out the membership predominantly white, male and exist in the south, as well.

>> right.

>> in the past, you know, you have recent story line of the violence, the border violence, but in the '90s it was the thug, the gang member who was going to come to your home and you needed to arm up against that individual. so this strategy's interesting but with that said, earl, you've got the gop , for example, they were criticized during the last election cycle not making attempt to appeal to minorities so should the nra get more credit because at least they are some might say trying where the gop did not?

>> well, here's the problem with that, tamron. on the surface, you might say yes to that. diversit diversity, who could be against that? gop , all they're talking about now at least talking about. here's the problem. if, in fact, the nra really serious about having all of these new african-american and latino gun owners come in to the organization, simple question. why now? why not a year ago or two years ago? why now with so much bad publicity and there's a possibility now in congress and state legislatures for meaningful gun control measures? i have to be very skeptical to say the least. i don't think it's a legitimate move on their part to attract more african- americans and latino because they want them but to deflect criticism and shore up the base.

>> earl, thank you so much

Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/newsnation/51040189/

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